We are frequently asked a number of questions on how we operate and the advantages of buying a car from us and selling a car to us. Hopefully the responses below can provide you with an insight into how we work. If you have any queries which are not answered below - please get in touch.

What key criteria do we apply when looking for cars to stock at Amari?
We have amongst the highest quality stock of all the major contemporary supercars and hypercars to physically view at our showrooms. We choose cars with best specifications and most desirable colours with residual values in mind and vehicles we would be happy to own ourselves.
Click here for details of how to sell us your car.
Who owns the stock at Amari?
With a very few exceptions, we own the cars we offer for sale, which means we back our judgement on the quality of a car we buy for stock with our own money. This is very different to a dealer that primarily deals in consigned cars! We hold a handful of cars on consignment for sale, invariably cars which are owned by good and established customers for whom we are providing a service. Click here for details of how to consign your car.
How much experience does Amari have in the market?
We have been trading in the most exotic cars for about 40 years, from showrooms in London, Dubai and more recently at our purpose built showroom in Preston. The Amari name has been synonymous with exotic car dealing for decades. Click here for details of our experience.
How are the cars we sell prepared for sale?
We deliberately leave the servicing of the cars we offer for sale to their marque specific factory trained experts. We ensure all the cars are up to date in their service requirements and ensure older classic cars are checked over by model specialists. Before being brought into stock, the cars are thoroughly inspected from bumper to bumper, with checks on all aspects of body, trim, mechanical, and running gear to ensure the cars represent the very best examples available. The cars are detailed prior to delivery to a standard which can be best evaluated by the imagery of the stock we display on our web site - just about the highest standards which are practically possible! Click here for details of our current inventory.
What types of warranty do we offer?
The majority of cars we hold in stock are still covered with the balance of their manufacturer warranties, but older classic cars can be supplied with an industry standard warranty package, specific to the vehicle and the customers requirements. Click here for details of the warranty packages we supply on the cars we sell.
Advantage of dealing with a privately owned business?
For our tight-knit family of staff - our job is our passion. Staff turnover here is more or less non-existent and our reputation and desire to accommodate a customer's precise requirements is of paramount importance to us. We suspect our long term approach to customer service, may not always be emulated by high-turnover staff at mainstream corporate dealer groups! Click here for details of our history.
Can we find your dream Supercar?
Although we routinely hold over 70 cars in physical stock at any one time - you might be looking for something special which we do not currently hold in stock. In this instance - talk to us. We have access to a large number of cars through our buying network and worldwide customer base. We often supply cars to clients direct which are not profiled on our web site. Click here to contact us with details of your requirements.
Why sell us your car?
At anyone time we hold a large 8 figure funding facility to make immediate decisions to purchase cars. If you want a hassle free sale at a competitive price - get in touch. We prefer to buy cars for cash and usually can undertake a transaction and collection within 24 hours. We are continually buying cars to replenish stock to maintain our healthy trading activity. Click here for details of how to sell us your car.
Do we offer flexible finance options?
We have very strong relationships with major finance houses and can provide finance solutions to meet most requirements. We have a dedicated team who can discuss your payment options. Click here for details of the finance options we offer.
Do we have many overseas buyers?
Due to the international appeal of the cars that we sell together with our established reputation, unsurprisingly we regularly send cars we sell to customers all over the world who we never actually meet. We welcome visitors by appointment, to see our cars first-hand in our purpose built showrooms, but routinely send cars to clients direct, who never actually visit the showroom. Click here for details of the media coverage we have attracted.